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Virtual Job Interview Training with ProjectSEARCH

Virtual Interview Training for Transition Age Youth (VIT-TAY) is an internet-delivered job interview simulation that provides repetitive practice to enhance interviewing skills through performance-based feedback. The research team received funding from the Kessler Foundation and partnered with Project SEARCH sites in both Michigan and Florida to evaluate the delivery of VIT-TAY in transition services.


83% of Project SEARCH students gained employment within 6 months of completing the virtual interview study.



Project SEARCH students (N=61) were 60% male, ages ranging from 18 to 26 years old (mean age = 20) and primarily from city (56%), suburban (28%), rural (10%) and town (7%) locales. Students were Caucasian (71%), African American/Black (25%), Native American (2%), and more than one race (2%). 7% identified as being Hispanic and/or Latino. Their primary diagnosis included autism (32%), learning disability (29%), intellectual disability (20%), other health impairment (10%), and other disability (9%). 81% of the students read at a 4th grade reading level or higher. 84% of students reported that they had never had a job before.



Preliminary findings are highly promising and suggest that using VIT-TAY as a supplement to federally-mandated transition services, such as Project SEARCH, may lead to higher rates of paid employment. VIT-TAY is viewed by students as a highly acceptable intervention that is easy-to-use.


