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Job Interview and Vocational Outcomes Among Transition-Age Youth Receiving Special Education Pre-Employment Transition Services

Summary: Vocational outcomes among transition-age youth receiving special education services are critically poor and have only incrementally improved since the implementation of the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act. Few studies highlight whether interviewing may be critical to obtaining vocational outcomes such as competitive employment or internships. This study evaluated vocational interviewing and outcomes among N=656 transition-age youth receiving special education pre-employment transition services from N=44 schools. Results suggest 20.8% of these youth were currently employed, and 88.8% of these employed youth interviewed prior to obtaining their job which is higher than anecdotal evidence suggests and speaks to the importance of job interview skill as an intervention target for special education pre-employment transition services.


Nearly 90% of employed youth receiving special education pre-employment transition services completed job interviews before getting hired

